Thursday, September 17, 2009


The language we use today is certainly not the same as the language handed down to us by our figurative forefathers. The language we use today is a culmination of the popular usage of words and concepts by the culture as a whole. What may be correct in one region would be considered incorrect in another, however, within the organism that is language it could still be considered "right". The rules for this creature then are not simply codified for all to absorb but instead are picked up along the road of life. What is correct is simply that which society accepts. What is wrong today may be acceptable tomorrow and the rule further down the path.

1 comment:

  1. Holy freaking crap guys. We've got 4 days before this next paper is dead-lined and we've got a whole three unedited stories in our issue #2 folder. We NEED to meet before Thursday and do some major brain-storming + Story-writing if we don't want an F in our entire Comm 1 Honors class. Now I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not have an F. I apologize for not taking the initiative earlier. If I don't have any responses by Monday Night I'm going to contact Sarah and we'll get together with an email letting you all know when and where so you can show up if you want. If everyone could please please Please go and get some stories before then that'd be fabulous.
    Yours in procrastinating,
    Ian Novak (contact me with the bccpinkpaper e-mail)
