Thursday, September 17, 2009


The language we use today is certainly not the same as the language handed down to us by our figurative forefathers. The language we use today is a culmination of the popular usage of words and concepts by the culture as a whole. What may be correct in one region would be considered incorrect in another, however, within the organism that is language it could still be considered "right". The rules for this creature then are not simply codified for all to absorb but instead are picked up along the road of life. What is correct is simply that which society accepts. What is wrong today may be acceptable tomorrow and the rule further down the path.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to my Blog

Hello, this is my first blog, and with any luck the only blogging I will do will be for school.

I believe that the blogging on the interweb is generally a massive waste of time. There are all kinds of statistics out there about blogging. And the amount of time and money going into them.

If you don't know what a blog is, you can goto a massive blog that is full of errors, like most blogs,

Seeing as the internet is a series of tubes, that would mean that blogging is the human refuse traveling through those tubes..

To waste more time goto Failblog. Trust me.

To see other students who needed to do this just goto
